British culture

These are my final artifacts that I have created since the beginning of starting my design research project. My competition brief consisted me creating a typographical design that captures the quotes from the British sound library. My personal brief is where I created an illustrative book and collective postcard to celebrate the stereotypes in Britain. Both my briefs combined have the same theme, the British culture.

 (unfortunately, Blogger wont load the other photos at the moment, so I will try again another time)

Business presentation

Today at 4 pm , my team and I had a presentation infront two business judges and two tutors.
Our lazy student business concept is to  pick up & drop off laundry and essentials at the same time. Below are a few images of my team members and our brand. 

Finalising my research stage

I found some examples of what style of illustrative book style there are and how I would be able to bind it. Below is an image of what I have found, the next stage is to choose one that is appropriate to my style.Once I have found the right form of photo book I want to use, I am ready to print off my artifact ready to be submitted next week.


For my competition brief I have to create a typographical final piece and I have created some prints using woodblocks .
The quotes are from the British Library - Accents & Dialects .
They are mostly males from the early 1900's talking about their lives and working as a primary industrial job such as farming and mining.

I will further develop these prints by using different materials that could change the texture and feel, rather than just keep using the crisp white A3 paper. I found this technique quite time consuming and difficult to get the perfect print . I really like how on some of the prints, the ink has not transferred fully, I feel it gives are really old vintage look, which really exaggerates who/when and what time era the quotes were said.