Promotional Design

Batiste Dry Shampoo

They have asked us to build the Batiste brand by creating four new graphic identities and fragrances. They should fit in with the current range but have stand out shelf appeal. Demonstrate this across a number of practical applications, including packaging, website and point of sale.

Albatross Clothing

We want you to send in your design work, illustrative, photographic, type based, whatever style, we want to see it. We then intend to pick the best of the best, from what we receive (so if you get picked, you know you’re good!), of which will then be printed onto our products, for the public to buy.

continuing my research

.... My solution is to create illustrative photo books that are going to be collages with stereotypes.
In doing so, I started to look at Graphic illustration collages so that mine wouldn't look like a handmade scrapbook.

Beginning of my career

In the next 15 years - I hope to open my own business whether it related to Graphics or not and become a Freelance Graphic Designer too. If I was being ambitious I would obviously want to win the lottery and do everything I haven't done at 36 years old.

My Strengths Personally + Design Skills - I am fluent in English and Cantonese and I understand Mandarin too. I have a creative mind and I like to solve problems. I really like drawing and looking at how designs are communicated within different countries.

The Skills I would like to Develop- are my time management skills although I am organised and technical skills because most of the time I prefer hand drawings.

How my chosen projects will help me-
1. Albatross clothing : I chose this because I haven't come across a brief that requires me to design one of a kind products and I was interested in becoming a fashion designer before I knew about Graphic Design.
2. Batiste hair spray : This is another brief that requires me to design a unique one off limited edition dry shampoo hair spray. Batiste is widely known for being the best selling dry shampoo so to get the chance to be designing a limited edition illustration for a popular product is amazing.

Both these projects will help me develop my creative skills and create my own individual style that would need to be aesthetically pleasing to the consumers too. The briefs also fit into my beliefs and values which is to be different and not get bored of whatever I am doing.

Before I continue to blog about my new module , I want to summarise my previous design management and production module. I personally found the first half of the module really helpful because it allowed me to gain experience presenting to a client for a real live brief. The practice we had each week to present our ideas infront of our classmates built up my confidence to pitch my idea for my formal presentation. In the lessons we were able to find out the hierarchy of workers in a company such as the creative directors role, art director and junior designer and how the system would work in the work environment. I enjoyed this module and the next part of the module is going to be the business side of things which I am looking forward to learn about.

Chester Degree Show

For my Promotional Design module, we were asked to blog instead of creating workbooks like we did in the past. The following few pages are degree shows from different universities which is what our summer brief asked us to attend. Attending University of Chester final degree show was compulsary and I am inspired by what I saw. I am definately considering using 2D and 3D media to display my work for my final exhibition and maybe photo frames because I find that the dimension makes it very interesting to look at.
The only thing that I thought was a problem as a whole was that people who don't know Kingsway wouldn't know where the exhibition was because there wasn't anything to lead me to the room filled with the work. Whilst Leeds and Manchester degree shows had something that led me to the displayed work.

Final Degree shows 2012

There was a lot of interactive designs that needed us to help create the piece of work which I thought was very clever because it made me understand more of the students work. When I had to physically do something to see the work, it became very interesting and unique because I hadn't thought of that.

Final Degree Shows

What I like most that was different from the other degree shows is that the students provided a business card and a media for us to read from telling me about what their purpose of the display was about. As I went to Manchester's degree show, I felt very confused by what they were doing because they didn't say what their brief was. I also like the variety of different types of displays I saw.
Following on to Leeds and Manchester Degree shows that I attended. They were all very different and unique. It was really interesting to see the choice of media they used to display their work.


Continuing ...


Culture Differences in Advertisments

This is research on what I found out on same branded advertisements in Hong Kong and Britain.
The top is a website of Mac Donalds. It is very popular in asian culture to use celebrities to endorse many different products and services because they believe the fellow fans will do what the celebrity does. Meanwhile in Uk we dont use celebrities for Mac Donalds because even though we all think Mac donalds is a cheaper alternative to eat food, it is considered embarassing to be working there.

The middle pictures are from the L'oreal websites. It is very obvious that the colour scheme is very different. Asian people prefer to have whiter skin hence the white clean background on the website while many British prefer to look sleek and empowered by using products to make them look youthful.

Finally the  bottom image  is the Maybelline brand, a brand that has many different shades of colour to suit every skin tone. They are both very simillar posters yet different because of how the models are posing. The asian girl looks more flirty and natural whereas the english girls make up is pretty intense and makes her look superior.

I feel I definately understand the culture differences because I am chinese yet I was born in Uk. I also prefer to have whiter skin while a lot of english girls I know prefer to tan. I noticed in Hong Kong many girls do wear make up but it the most natural way so that you can't tell and in UK many girls wear eyeliner,mascara and lipstick daily
The right handside is readings that I have found relevant to my purpose of work. 


Letterpress are becoming more expensive to purchase because nowadays everyone uses technology. I found an app that creates letterpress prints with exactly the same process as a handmade letter print

Collage of text and image

Taking on inspirations from Tom Phillips 'Humument' designs , we were asked to create our own from our readings on Twyla Tharp.
Here are a few of his works. He creates new sentences and meanings from a collection of words. I really like the effect he has created with the use of different medias. Below are designs that I have come up with.

My favourite piece is the one where I splattered paint and layed the text ontop. (lower right)

04 October

I Just created my first Blog for my final year at Chester.
I will upload pictures of my work and research that I have done from my modules.