Culture Differences in Advertisments

This is research on what I found out on same branded advertisements in Hong Kong and Britain.
The top is a website of Mac Donalds. It is very popular in asian culture to use celebrities to endorse many different products and services because they believe the fellow fans will do what the celebrity does. Meanwhile in Uk we dont use celebrities for Mac Donalds because even though we all think Mac donalds is a cheaper alternative to eat food, it is considered embarassing to be working there.

The middle pictures are from the L'oreal websites. It is very obvious that the colour scheme is very different. Asian people prefer to have whiter skin hence the white clean background on the website while many British prefer to look sleek and empowered by using products to make them look youthful.

Finally the  bottom image  is the Maybelline brand, a brand that has many different shades of colour to suit every skin tone. They are both very simillar posters yet different because of how the models are posing. The asian girl looks more flirty and natural whereas the english girls make up is pretty intense and makes her look superior.

I feel I definately understand the culture differences because I am chinese yet I was born in Uk. I also prefer to have whiter skin while a lot of english girls I know prefer to tan. I noticed in Hong Kong many girls do wear make up but it the most natural way so that you can't tell and in UK many girls wear eyeliner,mascara and lipstick daily
The right handside is readings that I have found relevant to my purpose of work. 

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