exhibition thoughts

We are starting to think about possible projects we want to exhibit and how we want to present ourselves as an individual to showcase our own style for our viewers. I collected some items from last years degree show to inspire myself.

Here are the front and back of some business cards. They are all unique and very different from each other.

Here are how some students presented there work last year. I really like these and I will be doing something similar for my personal project. 

These three images are taken from an information brochure that was provided by a degree show. It tells me where to go, where everything is and how to get there. The top picture is the front cover, but you can see from the second one it fully opens up to a panoramic shot of the room. When you turn it around it becomes a poster. This is like a 3 in 1 information brochure/poster/booklet.

Typography experimentation

Below are images taken from my research sketchbook.

After my research, I came up with a concept to solve the sound bite brief. When listening to the accents and dialects in their recordings, what I found out was that the older generation of speakers (above 50years old) were saying how their jobs and accents were different compared to our younger generation of people (students in their 18 - 20's). The young speakers were talking about how the generation nowadays create new languages (slang/shortened words) that the older people might not understand.

Solution: My typographical solution is to create 3 posters that show how the generation of accents and dialects are changing , just like how the printing methods have. The first type of printing method I will use for my first poster to signify the older generation is letterpress. This process is (man-made) hand done. I will then use digital printing for my second poster which is done with a machine. Finally my third poster will use a combination of hand and digital techniques.

Sound Library

Continuing my competition brief for design research project module. The brief is created by 2013.2 student assessment projects, international society of typographic designers. I chose on this brief to allow me to create a typographic piece for my portfolio. My client are Sound Bites British Library, they have asked to design a submission that investigates sound and recordings from their digital collections.
It is to be essentially typographic and I can use any methods and media to convey my solution.

Competition Brief -
British Library Sounds presents over 50,000
recordings that cover a vast range of themes –
from music, drama and literature, to oral history,
wildlife and environmental sounds. Categories in
the collection include: Accents and Dialects; Arts,
Literature and Performance; Classical Music;
Environment and Nature; Jazz and Popular Music;
Oral History; Sound Recording History; World
and Traditional Music; Sound Maps.
We want you to focus on the Accents and Dialects
category of the collection by going to the
following link:
Ensure that you select only the following categories
under ‘Public Collections’ –
• Number 4  BBC Voices and/or
• Number 40  Survey of English Dialects
As in countries around the world, the United
Kingdom is made up of a rich tapestry of accents
and dialects, from Buchan Doric to the Scouse of
‘The Boys from The Blackstuff’ (‘gie’s a job’) …
from ‘Rab C Nesbitt’ to ‘Gavin and Stacey’ … from
‘Eastenders’ to ‘Emmerdale’. Accents are important
– they characterise us as individuals and communities,
reflect our urban and rural identities and, undoubtedly,
act as a mark of social status – think of the Received
Pronunciation that still defines Radio 4. An accent
can be a transient thing, depending on where we
move to and how our lives change.
The Brief
You are required to design a submission that
investigates sound recordings selected from the
British Library Sounds digital collections. This brief
presents you with the opportunity to express the
essence and spirit of your chosen sound recordings.
You may wish to edit and select appropriate ‘sound
bites’ from these audio clips or use transcripts for
your text matter. Consider the juxtaposition of your
chosen recordings – do they have anything in
common? Do they address similar issues/themes?
Are they opposites? Or simply celebrate the emotions
that are aroused by your chosen words.
Consider the way that different accents may suggest
particular fonts – some bolder, some softer, sharp,
distressed, condensed, thin, fat, serif/sans serif etc.
You decide – the possibilities are endless.
Use whatever methods and media you consider
appropriate to convey your solution effectively –
as long as you express a solid idea, inform us and
show us your typographic skills. Make sure that you
incorporate typographically detailed text matter that
expresses an information hierarchy. Remember that
words and language are our collateral and that your
submission should be essentially typographic.

Target Market
Educationalists, social historians, design professionals
and a discerning public
Submission Guidance/Requirements
Your project submission should include sufficient
appropriate material to show that you have
addressed the brief comprehensively and clearly
expressed your design and typographic skills.

It must include:
•  Strategy
•  Research and design development
•  Specifications/Grid(s)
•  Final outcomes
•  Disc showing development and presentation 
 images of  your project
Cross-reference this project brief with the
Assessment Criteria guidance notes.


My final T-shirt design for Albatross. My inspiration was the patterns and colours that paperchase use for their own stationary collections. I based mine on the albatross logo and enhanced it so that it was more geometric. My design really stands out from the white coloured shirt,  the pastel and fluorescent colours compliment each other nicely. I did two designs because I wanted it to be a 'his and hers' item.


Looking through some trends, my final design ideas came from geometric shapes and stripping the logo back to its most basic. I focused on taking away the patterns and graphics that the usual hairspray bottles have and focused on the gradient colours . The top two are geometric shapes which i thought was really interesting to try out that trend.

Here is what it would look like if it was to be produced...

This is the selling point that I imagine the new Batiste Hairspray would be presented in.