
For my competition brief I have to create a typographical final piece and I have created some prints using woodblocks .
The quotes are from the British Library - Accents & Dialects .
They are mostly males from the early 1900's talking about their lives and working as a primary industrial job such as farming and mining.

I will further develop these prints by using different materials that could change the texture and feel, rather than just keep using the crisp white A3 paper. I found this technique quite time consuming and difficult to get the perfect print . I really like how on some of the prints, the ink has not transferred fully, I feel it gives are really old vintage look, which really exaggerates who/when and what time era the quotes were said.

creating my identity

Looking through colour schemes is an important aspect in creating an identity for myself. Of all the forms of non-verbal communication, colour is the most instantaneous method of conveying messages and meanings. I have looked through books, analysing what each colours mean and say about something.

At first I was leaning towards colours from the warm tonal range, however I came across complimentary colours . Complimentary colours are opposite colours of the colour wheel. They are supposed to enhance each other and look complete when these two colours are paired together. 

This is when I started to look at colours that looked playful, and clashed with each other but still looked aesthetically pleasing. 

I had stated previously that I want my identity to be unique and be colourful yet simple. I think the best way forward is for me to use complimentary colours but change the tone so its one of a kind.

British Culture collage

I have been working on creating a final piece for my personal brief, but before that I have started to research stereotypical sayings from London,
How the stereotype of London and other regions have created our British culture.
London stereotypes are... Iconic buildings, the royal family, tea, posh , gloomy, rains all the time ..

I have also done the same for Yorkshire ....

Below are the examples of how I have developed my collages onto Photoshop.
I have handmade some collages , then scanned them in to create a further developed collage on Photoshop.

Individual Identity

My essay is due this Thursday, so once this has been submitted I will start to focus more on creating an identity of my own for promotional design. I have been looking at examples that was provided for us and I was inspired to create a simple , yet colourful personal development plan (PDP). I have been keeping a journal since the start of uni, in October. So it will be easy for me to copy and paste my own writing in my PDP. I need to start to create my PDP template & style on InDesign and think about my own business cards and how I want to present myself.

Here is an example I found from Behance that is really colourful, but its not as simple as I want it to be. My tone Of colour wont be as vibrant as this because its not my taste.


Behance is an online website, for designers to publish their portfolio for everyone to see. This website was recommended to me from my tutor. It has a lot of work published by designers in all creative industries. I focused looking at illustrations and Graphic Design. This is a great way for my work to be seen and creates opportunities for me because potential companies might want my style of work.

Easter break

I have noticed this Easter, the packaging for Easter eggs are not just the same old rectangular boxes you see every year. There are designs that are really aesthetic and compliments the Easter egg the company is selling.
Here are a few examples I have seen...