Graphic design 2013 trends

I decided for my bastiste dry hair shampoo to focus on Graphic Design trends. I dont know the fragrance for the hair spray so the brief is very open. I started to look at 2013 current Graphic Design trends and found these :

01. Geometric Design - A combination of minimalism and simple shapes and colours in editorial works. I find these really interesting to look at even though it consists of bare colours and shape.

02. Stripping it Back. - This is really interesting to me because I have noticed a lot of popular logos have simplified their logos in 2013. Microsoft, Ebay , Starbucks and many more logos have redesigned their logo to its bare minimum.

03. Hand drawn illustration - I find these to be really captivating because the illustrations look like layers and layers of illustrations collaged together to look like one piece of work. This makes us appreciate the hand drawn aspects from humans and the printed illustrations we use with technology.

Ahmed Taouti

04. Making stuff look old - With all the new apps and technology that is free to download. We are able to make modern photos and works look old. It allows us to mess with the contrast and build our own indivdual effects to create a one of a kind piece.

05. Social networking - With Facebook, Twitter and Youtube, social networking is the best form of technique to communicate with the public/customers. Not only can everyone create their own business page, they're able to create promotions without actually having to worry about printing.

I have experimented with some on these trends for the batiste hairsprays which I will upload soon.

Skin Whitening (Design Discourse)

Skin whitening is Asia has always been popular. To achieve the most fairest skin colour signifies beauty in Asian cultures. My personal thoughts is that although I was born in U.K, I still have the desire to achieve a whiter skin. I am not sure if this is because I was bought up being told that the tanned dark skin is not attractive or whether when I travel back to Hong Kong everyone's skin is whiter than mine , making me think that I am not from there. When I get the opportunity to go to Hong Kong I always buy products that claim whitening results because in Britain we do not sell these products as the people in Britain prefer a more Tanned and glowing skin, therefore do not need to sell these whitening products.

I came across the BBC news talking about how the whitening beauty industry is worth millions of pounds. I found these on Facebook and clicked on it to look deeper into the situation

Thoughts on my exhibition

After my Monday lesson, I started to think what project I am currently doing, that I would want to be showed in my exhibition. I looked back at previous degree shows from last year and I really like using photo frames to place my work in. I think I want to exhibit either the Batiste dry hair shampoo or the Albatross clothing because I want to show what type of graphic design I personally like.

Design research project - Ideo

I remember last year in my design research methods we had to go through a process to complete our brief. The 5 stage design process included, research, problem, ideas,solution and refining the final piece of work. For my research I used IDEO to help my conduct my research, this helped me identify my problems to figure out a solution for my brief.

Misconceptions: Visit California commercial

California is the land of legend: doesn't everyone drive a convertible, surf, live in a bikini, or act like a rock star?

Well, not everyone -- and the California Travel and Tourism Commission's new "Misconceptions" television ad pokes fun at many of these stereotypes, while showcasing the State's abundance of attractions for visitors in a new TV spot. "Misconceptions" brings together some of the most famous icons in pop culture, including Betty White, Kim Kardashian, The Jonas Brothers and Jason Mraz, celebrating the vast diversity of the California experience. The ad features locations around California from ski slopes to beaches, the Golden Gate Bridge to the Redwoods and beyond.

I have recently seen this Tv commercial about two - three times and I noticed that it is really similar to my personal brief in Design Research Project ( Stereotypes )
it the advert it says the typical stereotypes of living in California, USA
- big cars , celebs , hollywood glamour, beaches 
The ending is basically saying come visit California to see yourself. Not only does it show the popular attraction sites but also makes fun of it with the stereotype. 

For mine, I am celebrating the Stereotypes saying that these Regional stereotypes in Manchester, London (the main attractions in United Kingdom) help create our British Culture. Its those good and bad stereotypes that have created Britain today.