Skin Whitening (Design Discourse)

Skin whitening is Asia has always been popular. To achieve the most fairest skin colour signifies beauty in Asian cultures. My personal thoughts is that although I was born in U.K, I still have the desire to achieve a whiter skin. I am not sure if this is because I was bought up being told that the tanned dark skin is not attractive or whether when I travel back to Hong Kong everyone's skin is whiter than mine , making me think that I am not from there. When I get the opportunity to go to Hong Kong I always buy products that claim whitening results because in Britain we do not sell these products as the people in Britain prefer a more Tanned and glowing skin, therefore do not need to sell these whitening products.

I came across the BBC news talking about how the whitening beauty industry is worth millions of pounds. I found these on Facebook and clicked on it to look deeper into the situation

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